on demand
For Synergy Placements, finding the right person for the right role at the right company, is a winning combination for all involved. It’s what we do and it’s what we are passionate about.

Job Seekers

We’re industry experts
We are a one-stop recruitment company that specialise in a range of Blue collar and White collar services. Our recruitment team shares many decades of experience in placing candidates in temporary and permanent roles for Supply Chain & Logistics, Warehousing, Construction and Civil Engineering, Trades Sector, labour hire, General Labour Hire, Information Technology, Project Management, Banking & Financial Services, Marketing & Sales, and Office & Administration.

Supply Chain & Logistics

Manufacturing & Construction

Business Operations


Online Timesheets
TiMaven is a state-of-the-art online timesheet system for employers who engages contract or temporary employees who work on Award Wages, Enterprise Bargaining Agreements or individual work contracts. TiMaven has been developed in Australia to simplify the complexities in accurately calculating payroll for employees who are paid under Award Wages guidelines, individual work contracts or Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.